The Department of Geography and Planning at the Institute of Sustainable
Development, Corvinus University of Budapest
the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade
invite you to the (hybrid) book launch of


Competing Geopolitical Narratives and Responses 


Date: Thursday, 1st of December 2022
15.30 – 17.30


Venue (hybrid): Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty Club 
(Access: Southern gate of building E.)


Join online on Microsoft Teams!


Participation is free but registration is required:


Welcoming remarks


Prof. Dr. Attila Jámbor

Head of the Institute for Sustainable
Development, Corvinus University of


Dr. Tamás Baranyi

Deputy Director for Strategy, Institute for
Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT)


Editors introduction to the book


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Géza Salamin

Department of Geography and Planning,
Corvinus University of Budapest


Dr. Péter Klemensits

Head of Research, Eurasia Center, John
von Neumann University, Kecskemét.


Roundtable discussion


Assist. Prof. Dr. Nuno Morgado

Coordinator of Lab of Geopolitics of
Department of Geography and Planning,
Corvinus University of Budapest


Dr. Péter Rada

Associate professor, University of Public


Anton Bendarzsevszkij

Director Oeconomicus Economic Research


Dr. Tamás Baranyi

Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade &
Department of Geography and Planning,
Corvinus University of Budapest


Dr. Viktor Eszterhai

Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade


Dr. Zoltán Gálik

Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute
for Global Studies


We warmly welcome the audience interested in geopolitics, as well as our former and current students! 


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