The Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade in cooperation with the British Embassy in Budapest has the pleasure to invite you to the event entitled
“The UK and the EU – shared security challenges after Brexit”
public lecture by
Nicholas Hopton
Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Director for EU External and Security, United Kingdom
followed by a roundtable discussion with
György Rábai
Head of Defence Policy Section, Ministry of Defence, Hungary
Tamás Csiki Varga
Research Fellow, Intsitute for Strategic and Defence Studies, NUPS
Concluding remarks by
Szabolcs Takács
Ministerial Commissioner for BREXIT, Hungary
Moderated by
Gergely Varga
Senior Research Fellow
Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT), Hungary
to be held on
28 August 2019 (Wednesday) at 3.30 p.m.
at the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade,
13-15. Bérc Street, Budapest 1016
The event is public but registration is required.
Please register on the following hyperlink:
The discussion will be held in English.
Please note that any audiovisual recording of the event can only be made upon the prior express, written approval of the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade.