The Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade has the pleasure to invite you to its upcoming public event entitled



The Key role of Morocco in Africa:

Opportunities and Challenges




Mohammed Ahmed Gain

University professor, Ibn Tofail University in Kenitra, Morocco

President of the African Institute for Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation

Affiliated expert with the Middle East Institute of Washington


The event will be held on

 28 February 2023 (Tuesday) at 14:00 p.m.


The venue of the event is the new building of IFAT

1062 Budapest, Bajza str. 44. Baruch palace


The event will be held in English



If you wish to participate, please fill in the registration form HERE

by 27 February (Monday) 14:00.


We will send an individual confirmation to those whose registration has been accepted by the organizers. Registrations are not being accepted on the first-come first served basis.


We would like to inform you that the number of participants is limited, thus we can guarantee the participation of the first 60 accepted registered persons.


Please note that any audiovisual recording of the event can only be made upon prior express, written approval of the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade.