Reality and Illusion in Colombia: What were Five Years of Transition Enough for after the Peace Agreement?

2022. 04. 11.
Analysis by Ágnes Deák

In November 2016, Colombia’s five decades of armed conflict, which had claimed hundreds of thousands of victims, ended in a peace agreement between the government of President Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC guerrilla movement. This analysis examines the progress made in the five main points of the accord: comprehensive rural development reform, political transition, the process of demobilization and social inclusion, the eradication of illicit crop production, and the reform of the justice system. Although violence has decreased overall, and tens of thousands of families have been provided with legal ways of making a living as well as access to land and basic services, the results fall short of the stated goals, in which the changes in government and public policy that have taken place over the years have played a significant role.

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