On February 13, 2024, the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (HIIA) had the pleasure of hosting a delegation from the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and the OHR Banja Luka Regional Office from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The delegation comprised Ambassador László Márkusz, Deputy High Representative and Head of the OHR Banja Luka Regional Office; Javier Leon Diaz, Head of the Legal Department and Michael Neumann, Senior Political and Strategic Advisor of the OHR.
After the opening remarks by Ágnes Vass, Research Director of HIIA, the conversation, moderated by Ferenc Németh, Research Fellow at HIIA, revolved around the current state of play concerning the Law on state property. The delegation highlighted not only the political nature but also the legal aspects of the matter and evaluated the OHR’s efforts in encouraging local actors to find a solution to the issue.