MKI Policy Brief

Challenges and Opportunities for the CEFTA Countries
Challenges and Opportunities for the CEFTA Countries

Analysis by Dženita Šiljak The Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) was signed in 1992 by the countries of the Visegrád Group. Current CEFTA members are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the FYR Macedonia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, and Serbia. CEFTA serves...

The Beginning of the End of the Merkel Era
The Beginning of the End of the Merkel Era

Analysis by Tamás Levente Molnár There have been extraordinary turbulent developments in German politics since the federal elections in September 2017. Angela Merkel’s first attempt to form a coalition government failed, so she had to continue the grand coalition. The...

The Effect of Western Engagement on Libyan Peace Process
The Effect of Western Engagement on Libyan Peace Process

Analysis by Anna Maria Dzunic This analysis aims to present the engagement of Western powers in Libya and how it affects the peace process of the country following the Libyan Political Agreement. It focuses on three particular issues: the rivalry between France and...

Bosnia and Herzegovina After the 2018 Election: What to Expect?
Bosnia and Herzegovina After the 2018 Election: What to Expect?

Analysis by Dženita Šiljak The aim of this analysis is to provide an overview of a complex political system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a small country with 3,500,000 people, five presidents and 7,488 candidates who took part in the recent election. It is one of the...

BREXIT – Why so Complicated?
BREXIT – Why so Complicated?

Analysis by Barnabás Szabó Negotiations between the European Union and the United Kingdom concerning the latter’s withdrawal from the former have been staggering ever since the clock of the 2-year deadline started ticking in March 2017. The purpose of this paper is to...

Hard Lessons from Brussels: The Key Challenges Facing NATO
Hard Lessons from Brussels: The Key Challenges Facing NATO

Analysis by Diána Szőke The recent NATO summit in Brussels highlighted some of the major internal divisions currently plaguing the alliance, but it would be far too premature to predict the decline of the transatlantic security relationship. This policy brief aims to...