
The MENARA-project (Middle East and North Africa Regional Architecture: mapping geopolitical shifts, regional order and domestic transformation) will study the geopolitical orderr int he making identify the driving forces behind the processess and assess the implication of these transformation of the EU and its policies towards the region.

One of the project outputs is to provide political and strategical advices for the EU decision-makers related to the region.

Project period: 1st April 2016 – 31th March 2019

Consortium-leader: CIDOB (Barcelona Center for International Affairs).

Consortium-members of IFAT:

  • IAI (Instituto Affari Internazionali)
  • DIIS (Danish Institute for International Studies)
  • IZT (Institute for Future Studies)
  • AUI (Al Akhawayn University)
  • PODEM (Center for Public Policy and Democracy Studies)
  • KCL (King’s College)
  • EUI (European University Institute)
  • AUB (Issam Fares Institute – American University of Beirut)
  • EGMONT (Egmont Institute)
  • OME (Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie)
  • QU (Qatar University)
  • LSE (London School of Economics)

The project consist of 11 WorkPackages and IFAT is an active participant in 6 of them. Moreover IFAT is the leader of the WP6.

The contributors of the project:

– László Csicsmann, senior researcher, external fellow researcher, IFAT

– Zsuzsanna Csornai, analyst, project manager, IFAT

– Erzsébet N. Rózsa, senior researcher, external fellow researcher, IFAT

– László Póti, senior research fellow, IFAT

– Máté Szalai, research fellow, IFAT

The project’s whole budget is amount of: 2.401.944,25 EUR, and the amount of IFAT’s budget is: 82.815 EUR.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 693244.