The Otto von Habsburg Foundation and Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade have the pleasure to invite you to the
Historical experience and the reunification of Europe
conference to be held on the
3rd December 2019 (Tuesday) at 09.30
at the
Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade
13-15. Bérc Street, Budapest 1016
The event is public but registration is required.
Please register until the 1st December.
The event will be held in English.
Please note that any audiovisual recording of the event can only be made upon the prior express, written approval of the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade.
9:00 – 9:30 |
9:30 – 9:50 | Welcome notes by
Márton Ugrósdy, Director, Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary Gergely Prőhle, Director, Otto von Habsburg Foundation, Hungary |
9:50 – 10:10 |
‘Reuniting Europe from a historian perspective’ Introductory lecture by Gergely Romsics, Senior Research Fellow, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
10:10 –11:40 | Panel 1: ‘How did it start and where does it lead? – Presence and future of EU from the historical perspective of leading member states’
‘A historical European power’s controversial membership and the support of European reunification’
‘German European project – integration priorities and the Western Balkans’
‘The other end of the European locomotive – the French priorities for the integration and return to the Balkans’
11:40 – 12:10 |
Coffee break
12:10 –13:40 | Panel 2: ‘Return to Europe – EU integration experience after the end of the Cold War era – Bridge towards the Balkans’
‘Participating in the Berlin process as a Visegrad country – the V4 and the support of the EU integration process of the Western Balkans’
‘Austria and the EU enlargement towards the Western Balkans’
‘The Hungarian European integration experience and the appreciation of the Western Balkans’
13:40 –14:10 |
Coffee break
14:10 –15:40 | Panel 3: ‘The way is long and rocky – the benefits and challenges of the European integration process for the Western Balkans’
‘Being in the same boat? – normalization of relations of Kosovo and Serbia and the European integration process’
‘Conditionality – the dilemma of objective and political assessment’
‘Someone can always say a ‘NO’ – the difficulties of preserving credibility at domestic and European level’
15:40 | Closing reception |