French and V4 Perspectives on the Future of Europe

2021. 11. 04.

The Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade

along with the French Embassy

have the pleasure

to invite you to their upcoming public conference on


French and V4 Perspectives on the Future of Europe


The conference is part of the program of the Hungarian V4 Presidency.


The event will be held on


 10 November, 2021 (Wednesday) at 10.30 a.m. (CET)


at the Institut français en Hongrie

1011 Budapest, Fő utca 17, Hungary


The conference will be interpreted in three languages (French, English and Hungarian).


  This event is public but registration is required.  

Please register HERE until 1:00 p.m. on 9 November, 2021 (Tuesday) 


Social distancing measures will be in place during the entire event.

Wearing face masks is OBLIGATORY, vaccination card is REQUIRED.



French and V4 Perspectives on the Future of Europe

Budapest, 10 November, 2021


10.00-10.30 REGISTRATION
10.30-10.45 Keynote Speeches


Márton Ugrósdy, Director, IFAT

H. E. Pascale Andreani, Ambassador of France in Hungary


10.45-12.15 PANEL SESSION I: Future of Europe


Moderator: Gergely Fejérdy, Senior Research Fellow, IFAT



Dominique David, Senior Advisor and former Director, IFRI

Sébastien Maillard, Director, Institut Jacques Delors

Rodrigo Ballester, Head of the Centre for European Studies, MCC

Alica Kizeková, Senior Research Fellow, IIR

13.30-15.00 PANEL SESSION II: Strategic autonomy and European Defence


Moderator: Péter Stepper, Program Manager, Senior Research Fellow, IFAT



Jean-Pierre Maulny, Deputy Director, IRIS

Dominik Jankowski, Political Adviser, Head of the Political Section, Permanent Delegation of Poland to NATO

Tamás Csiki Varga, Defence Policy Analyst, National University of Public Service, ISDS-EJRC

Alena Kudzko, Director, GLOBSEC Policy Institute

15.00-15.15 Closing Remarks:


Krisztina Dóra Varju, Ministerial Commissioner for the Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrad Cooperation (V4) in 2021-2022,  Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade