ISSN 1588-7855 (Nyomtatott)
ISSN 2064-9428 (Online)
Felelős kiadó: Dr. Terényi János
Főszerkesztő: Dr. Magyarics Tamás
Magyar Külügyi Intézet
1016 Budapest, Bérc utca 13-15.
Gyula Kodolányi: The Interplay of Threads – Western Policies and the Revolutions of 1989
János Terényi: Reflections on External Views about Russia and the Hungarian-Russian Relations
András Masát: Old and New Positions in the Appearance of Hungarian Culture in Germany: 1989-2009
Iván Bába: Development and Main Elements of the Internal and External Policy in Putin's Russia
Bosnia and Herzegovina – A Road towards Stabilization, Prosperity and European Integration
Frank Koszorus, Jr.: Autonomy: The Path to Democracy and Stability in Romania
András György Deák: A Phoenix Encaged? Russian Foreign policy in the Past Ten Years