by KKI1 | Nov 11, 2020 |, Past events
The Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade has the pleasure to invite you to its upcoming online event titled “Europe, Space and Defence” with Mathieu Bataille Resident Fellow/CNES seconded researcher, European Space Policy...
by KKI1 | Oct 14, 2020 |, Past events
The Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade has the pleasure to invite you to an online event titled Global and regional supply chains amid the COVID-19 pandemic With Barna Erdélyi Chief Executive Officer Waberer’s International Nyrt. Csaba...
by KKI1 | Oct 5, 2020 |, Past events
The Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade has the pleasure to invite you to its upcoming online event titled “War in Space: Strategy, Spacepower, and Geopolitics. More Space for NATO and EU” with Dr Bleddyn E. Bowen Lecturer in International...
by KKI1 | Sep 10, 2020 |, Past events
The Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade in cooperation with the The Japan Institute of International Affairs have the pleasure to invite you to an online discussion titled Migration patterns after the pandemic: comparing Japan’s and Europe’s challenges Speakers:...
by KKI1 | Jul 6, 2020 |, Past events
The Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade has the pleasure to invite you to an online event titled The Future of Globalization after COVID-19 With Prof. XU Mingqi Director of the European Studies Centre Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China...
by KKI1 | Jun 15, 2020 |, Past events
The Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade in cooperation with the China-CEE Institute have the pleasure to invite you to an online event titled China in the post-COVID World order With Dr. Gergely Salát associate professor Pázmány Péter Catholic...