by MKI | Nov 4, 2023 | - Colleagues,, Our team
by MKI | Oct 31, 2023 | - Colleagues, Our team
Philip Pilkington is a Senior Research Fellow at the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs where he focuses on macroeconomic and geoeconomic issues. Prior to joining the institute Philip worked in investment management as a macroeconomic strategist. Philip is...
by MKI | Oct 31, 2023 | - Colleagues, Emerging Challenges - Team, Our team
Research field emerging challenges – relevant security and political events (elections, terrorism, pandemic, armed conflicts, etc.) with regional or global implications, foreign and domestic political issues of Latin America Zsolt has more than 20 years of...
by KKI1 | Oct 31, 2023 | - Colleagues, Asia, Connectivity - Team, Eastern Opening,, Our team, Research topic
Research field China, East Asia After graduating from Peking 55 High School, he attended the Chinese program at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), where he obtained his degree in 2001. He earned his PhD at ELTE in 2006 with a dissertation on Chinese legal history...
by Csenge Dobrai | Oct 29, 2023 | - Colleagues, Europe,, Our team, Post-Soviet region, Region, Secure Neighborhood - Team
Research field economic and political processes of Ukraine, Russia, Transcarpathia and the post-Soviet countries Sándor Seremet has received his MA degree in History at the Uzhorod National University (UA). Started his PhD studies in 2013 at the Doctoral School...
by MKI | Oct 28, 2023 | - Colleagues, Our team