The Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade in collaboration with

The Sasakawa Peace Foundation

cordially invite you to a public webinar



“Ukraine Crisis and International Prospects

– Perspectives from Japan, Perspectives from Europe -”


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, is an extremely serious situation that shakes the foundation of international order not only in Europe but also in Asia. With NATO concerned that President Putin’s objectives do not stop at Ukraine, support and solidarity for Ukraine as well as economic and social encirclement against Russia are being built in the international community. In this context, Central Europe, which was once embedded in the Eastern camp, analyzes the current situation as more critical and more imminent.



 Opening remarks:


Ms. Junko Chano

 Executive Director

Sasakawa Peace Foundation




Márton Ugrósdy PhD


Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade





Péter Stepper PhD

 Program Manager and Senior Research Fellow

Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade


Lieutenant General (Ret.) Jun Nagashima

 Former Commandant

Air Command and Staff College JASDF


Prof. Ken Jimbo


Keio University


Péter Wagner PhD

Senior Research Fellow

Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade




 Bonji Ohara

 Senior Fellow

Sasakawa Peace Foundation


The event will be held on

11 March, 2022 (Friday) at 11:00 a.m. (CET)

at 07:00 p.m. (JST)


The event will be held in English and Japanese.


Simultaneous interpretation will be available in Japanese and English during the webinar on Zoom.


If you wish to participate, please fill out the registration form

by 11 March, 2022 (Friday), 10:00 a.m. (CET) and 06:00 p.m. (JST)


 After this registration, you will receive the URL for participation.

If you do not receive the confirmation email or the URL for participation, please kindly check the spam email box.


After registration, you will receive a temporary registration confirmation email.

Please click the registration completion URL in the email within 24 hours of receiving it to finalize your registration.


 Please note that due to the high demand for participation in this webinar, we have provided both the options of Zoom webinar and YouTube live to view the event. We will upload the recording later to our social media site.


 Please join the event through Zoom if you would like to ask questions, since we will not accept questions through the YouTube option.


 Please note that any audiovisual recording of the event can only be made upon prior express, written approval of the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade.