Call for applications: Future Leaders Program
The Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (HIIA) is launching a call for applications for its Future Leaders Program for young researchers and recent graduates in international relations, from Hungary and abroad. The fellowship, which is conducted in English, will run from October 1, 2024, through January 31, 2025 (in person through late December and online in the final month).
Purpose of the HIIA Future Leaders Program
The HIIA Future Leaders Program aims to provide an opportunity for young researchers and recent graduates interested in foreign policy to get involved in the work of HIIA and to deepen their knowledge of the various fields of Hungarian foreign policy. During the program, fellows will carry out research under professional mentorship and participate in the work of our research groups. Through their own research fields (regional or thematic), fellows will engage with and contribute to the analysis of HIIA’s areas of strategic priority. HIIA will provide fellows with an extensive educational and professional training—including seminars on foreign policy as well as on leadership skills, public speaking and media training—and also opportunities to publish, to participate in public professional discussions and to get to know Hungarian foreign policy circles.
Key research topics
- Regional studies: Western Balkans, Eastern Europe, Visegrád cooperation, Transatlantic relations, Middle East, Turkic States, Asia-Pacific
- Thematic studies: Security policy, Energy policy, Multipolarity, Global geopolitical issues, Connectivity, Family policy in international context
Who can apply?
Recent graduates (minimum: bachelor’s degree) with an interest in foreign policy (history, international studies, etc.) and early career international relations analysts under the age of 30.
How to apply?
To apply, please click on the button at the top of the page, fill in the application form and upload the following attachments:
- CV (maximum two pages)
- cover letter (maximum one page)
- writing sample (max. 5000 characters including spaces)
Candidates are required to submit all documents in English. Selected candidates will be interviewed by the leadership of HIIA.
Deadline for applications: 19 July 2024
Interviews: 22 July – 1 August 2024
Announcement of the results: 3 August 2024
Fellowship start date: 1 October 2024
Fellowship end date: 31 January 2025
(We would like to inform you that applicants will be notified of their application status between July 19 and July 22.)
General conditions
The program consists of two consecutive phases. The first phase, running from October 1, 2024 to December 20, 2024 requires intensive (approx. 30 hours/week) personal presence (at HIIA HQ: 1062 Budapest, Bajza utca 44.). The second phase, running between December 21, 2024 and January 31, 2025 will be held online.
The language of the program is English.
HIIA does not provide work equipment.
HIIA will engage fellows of the Future Leaders Program in a four-month, fixed-term contract with a gross amount of HUF 1 400 000 (appr. 3600 EUR) that will disburse upon the achievement of particular milestones. These will include participation in educational and professional development seminars, as well as the production of research reports for HIIA and a personal research project.
Special provisions for fellows from abroad:
HIIA provides additional funding for international fellows that do not have a residence in Hungary:
- round-trip travel provided by HIIA,
- gross 450 000 HUF (approx. 1160 EUR) for accommodation costs
Before applying to the program, please check the visa requirements, as international fellows are responsible for obtaining the necessary visa for the participation in the program. HIIA is ready to provide assistance with obtaining the visa.